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Music is the ministry of the Drakensberg Boys Choir. The world-renowned Drakensberg Boys Choir is a true South African national asset. The Drakensberg Boys Choir is a premium music brand with a rich history since 1967. Drakensberg Boys Choir School is a values-driven middle school that produces young men of exemplary character. Our mission is to prepare boys for life and leadership through excellence in music, academics, sports, and social enrichment in a Christian environment. Drakensberg Boys Choir School builds character, moulds and develops boys to harness the gift of music to bring hope, impact, and positive change in South Africa and beyond. DBCS offers a unique, complete, and diverse schooling experience that will forever change every Drakie boy's life by being part of this centre of excellence. DBCS builds resilience, grows relationships, and fosters global ambassadors with music as the tool for God’s glory.
For media enquiries, interview requests or in-studio or recorded media appearances, contact:
Willem S Eksteen
Drakensberg Boys Choir School Board
Email: /
Phone: +27 11 447 0168 / +27 83 272 6304
Alternative media contact for further media information:
Amanda Cunningham
Drakensberg Boys Choir School Parent Association
Phone: +27 83 255 6546
Enquire about enrolling a boy at DBCS:
Helga Cato
Drakensberg Boys Choir School
Phone: +27 36 468 1012 / +27 83 232 1229
Book the choir for performance:
Elanza Joubert
Drakensberg Boys Choir School
Phone: (036) 468 1012
Contribute to the DBCS bursary fund:
Lizel Potgieter, Bursar
Drakensberg Boys Choir School
Phone: +27 36 468 1012
R600, Champagne Valley, Cathkin Park Private Bag X20, Winterton, 3340 KwaZulu Natal, South Africa